

East Elgin Family Health Team has developed and implemented a wide variety of programs and initiatives, allowing healthcare professionals to link patients to specific programs and workshop sessions within our team to meet their specific healthcare needs.

The East Elgin Family Health Team offers you a variety of nutrition programs run by our registered dietitians. All programs are FREE and available to anyone – you don’t have to be a patient of the East Elgin Family Health Team to participate.

+ Community Outreach (Nutrition)

  • Do you have a group interested in learning more about nutrition? Our Health Program Coordinator, Noa, will develop a presentation based on your group’s nutritional interests. Examples of past presentations have included a review of the new Canada’s Food Guide, sport nutrition strategies, and heart health. To learn more or sign up for this program, please call Noa at 519-773-3715 ext 135.  

+ Cooking Classes

  • Learn how to cook delicious, nutritious, inexpensive meals and snacks with our Health Program Coordinator, Noa. To learn more or sign up for this program, call 519-773-3715 ext 135.  

+ Healthy Lifestyle Balance (formerly Group Lifestyle Balance)

  • The Healthy Lifestyle Balance (formerly Group Lifestyle BalanceTM) program provides education, encouragement and the tools necessary to help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. The program aims to help individuals with achieve a balanced lifestyle through sustainable nutrition and physical activity strategies. In addition, this program has the potential to help individuals with prediabetes significantly reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Groups meet weekly for the first 3 months and then monthly from 3 – 12 months. To learn more or sign up for this free program, please call Noa at 519-773-3715 ext 135 or email

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Monday to Thursday from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM

424 Talbot Street West, Suite 1
Aylmer, ON N5H 1K9

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