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Empower Caregivers: A FREE Training Opportunity September 2024 – Register Now

Empower Caregivers:

A FREE Training Opportunity

September 2024 – Register Now



Caregivers Need Our Help


Caregiving can be hard, challenging and stressful. The Ontario Caregiver Organization Spotlight report 2022 shows that two thirds of Ontario’s 4 million caregivers have felt helpless, burned out, and unable to continue their caregiving duties. They need our help.


How You and Your Organization Can Help Caregivers


Join us this September 2024 for The Powerful Tools For Caregivers Workshop (PTC) class leader training, a proven program that helps caregivers take better care of themselves and their loved ones. The program teaches:

• Stress reduction

• Effective communication

• Goal setting

• Decision making


Workshop Overview


Powerful Tools For Caregivers is a six-week education series that empowers caregivers with essential skills to improve their well-being and care for others. Participants learn how to: Reduce Stress, Boost Self-Confidence, Manage Time, Set Goals, Solve Problems, Communicate Effectively, Make Tough Decisions, Access Helpful Resources


The workshop is led by trained PTC Class Leaders, who are either experienced caregivers or professionals in the field. As a community service organization, you can collaborate with The South West Self-Management Program and offer this valuable program to the caregivers you serve, after completing the training.

The Self-Management Program will support you and your organization by covering training and licensing fees, providing materials, offering promotional support, and connecting you with other leaders in the region.


The Training


The PTC Class Leader training is an engaging and interactive virtual experience that prepares leaders to confidently facilitate PTC classes. The details are:


  • Dates: September 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Cost: The training is free, but spaces are limited. First responses will receive priority.
  • Applicants: Send two to three people (staff or volunteers).
  • Materials: Get all the skills and materials you need, plus ongoing support and mentorship from us.


This is a great opportunity to expand your service offerings, partner with the South West Self Management program, reach more caregivers, and make a positive impact in your community.


Class Leader Requirements:


  • Experience as a Caregiver or working with Caregivers.
  • Commitment to facilitate at least two PTC classes within a year.
  • Classes can be led in-person or virtual.

·         Virtually – leaders will need: access to a computer, camera and microphone, be able to work with PowerPoint slides and use a virtual platform (e.g. Zoom, MS Teams).

·         In-person – leaders will need access to a laptop, projector, and a speaker.


Next Steps and Registration


If you want to learn more about the PTC program and how you and your organization can join the September 2024 training, contact the South West Self-Management Program at info@swselfmanagement.ca.